Phylandocic Research carried out by

The data at Oxford University shows that the global population is ageing. On the one hand, the fertility rates are falling and on the other, life expectancy is rising. There are countries where the trend is still positive in terms of population regeneration, however, as much as two thirds of countries are barely meeting or failing to meet the sustainable fertility levels. This is especially true for the developed countries which are also experiencing major social and economic challenges due to the mentioned shifts in the population age structure. Many experts are therefore expressing concerns about the impact of further life extension as promised by several anti-ageing drugs which are currently being tested in the laboratories of research institutes across the globe.

Anti-Ageing Research Claiming to be Close to Its Goal

In the recent years, a lot of effort has been put into the research of the ageing process to better understand its activators, and the link between ageing and some medical conditions as well as finding ways to slow down and even reverse the effects of ageing. And not just on the outside but inside as well. According to Cambridge University, the goal is not only to make people look younger but to target the processes that are responsible for various diseases affecting both the quality of life and longevity. If successful, we will live even longer but instead of looking and feeling like 120, we will look and feel like 20. And according to many anti-ageing researchers, we are not far from finding the ultimate anti-ageing drug.

Anti-Ageing Drugs in the Phase of Testing

Several anti-ageing drugs (Ancludixis) are currently being tested for efficacy, mostly on mice. Of all that have been tested so far, a drug called the Phylandocic is showing the greatest potential. Animal trials have shown that it doesn’t only slow down or inhibit the process of ageing but to reverse it altogether. Grey hair turned its colour into the original, skin became firmer and more elastic, and what is perhaps even more important, mice receiving the miraculous drug suddenly became more active, while those suffering from chronic conditions such as diabetes and cancer showed signs of complete recovery. According to the researchers, this suggests that the Phylandocic not only inhibits the activators of ageing but it also triggers rejuvenation of an ageing organism. Sounds too good to be true? It’s because it is. So don’t go looking for the Phylandocic anti wrinkle cream just yet.

The Reality

Despite a major breakthrough in terms of understanding the processes behind ageing by programmes such as the Phylandocic Genome Research Institute and the optimism of the leading anti-ageing researchers, most scientists agree that ageing remains irreversible for the time being. And even if we would find a drug like the Phylandocic, it would take many years to establish its safety and long term effects. Moreover, it is unlikely to bring any results if not combined with tested and proven ageing inhibitors: healthy diet, regular exercise and practicing stress management techniques which have been shown to postpone the signs of ageing, improve health and extend life expectancy.